Venue in Brest
Transport (plane & train)
- Brest International Airport : (code BES)
- direct flight from Paris, Birmingham, Southampton, Lyon, Bordeaux, Toulon, Lille, Nice, etc.
- 1h15 of flight. Take care Paris-Orly and Paris-Charles de Gaulle airports could be around 1h45 of time distance (taxi, AirFrance bus or RER)
- With AirFrance - Paris Charles de Gaulle (Roissy)
- The 22th and 23th to Brest: arrival at 11:30, 16:50
- The 25th and 26th to Paris: 6:40, 13:30 and 17:35
- With AirFrance - Orly:
- The 22th and 23th to Brest, arrival at 8:20, 10:05, 14:15, 17:15
- The 25th and 26th to Paris: 6:55, 9:15, 11:10, 15:20, 18:00, 20:15
- Paris-Brest Railway, approx. 4.5 hours :
The CDIO Fall meeting 2012 will be held at Telecom Bretagne, located at the Brest-Iroise Technopôle, near Brest.
Tel : +33 (0)2 29 00 10 32 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +33 (0)2 29 00 10 32 end_of_the_skype_highlighting - Fax : +33 (0)2 29 00 10 25
Technopôle Brest-Iroise - Avenue du Technopôle
CS 83818 - 29238 Brest Cedex 3 - France
Enlarge Map
1. In the Brest area:
- From airport to Brest city Center (Liberté station at 30 mins)
- From airport to Telecom Bretagne and Belvedere hotel (approx. 50 minutes).
- at airport, take the Navette to Porte de Guipavas, then Tramway line A, stop at Liberté station then take the Bus line 2 (blue on the map) to stop at Cosquer for the Belvedere hotel or Technopole station (in front of Telecom Bretagne, last station in the West-left)
- From Brest Center to Telecom Bretagne (approx. 30 minutes).
- at Liberté station (Quartz or place) take the Bus line 2 (blue on the map) to stop at Technopole station (in front of Telecom Bretagne, last station in the West-left). Start from Liberté Quartz at 7:50, 8:06, 8:22.
- for return, be in airport 45mins before a flight for return, little more if luggage
- from Telecom to airport:
- with a taxi, approx. 40 mins max
- with bus/tram/shuttle, 1h30 max
- from city center to airport:
- with a taxi, approx. 25 mins max
- with tram/shuttle: 1h max
- Taxi
i. Taxi-Brest: +33 (0)6 62 81 29 29
ii. Taxi806: +33 (0)2 98 80 68 06
iii. Allo Taxi: +33 (0)2 98 42 11 11
iv. Taxi Brestois: +33 (0)2 98 80 18 01