Call for papers
Papers should address one of the following areas :
- Discursive and linguistic aspects of specialized texts
- The structures of specialized knowledge (ontologies, taxonomies, thesauri, texts, databases, etc.)
- Methodological strategies for acquiring specialized knowledge and terminology.
The presentations are classed in two categories: A and B. Those classed as
category A by the scientific committee will be allowed 20 minutes. Each
session will end with a round table dialogue between participants and
speakers. Those classed category B by the scientific committee will have 10 minutes and a specific space to display the poster.
During the conference, summaries of presentations in French and English will
be given out to all participants.
ABSTRACT : (for the reading committee: one and a half page summaries, A4 format, in English, French, Catalan or Spanish)
Deadline for summaries : November 20, 2003
Acceptance of papers by : January 20, 2004
Deadline for complete texts : March 10, 2004.
Send messages to
José Manuel Abreu
GET-ENST Bretagne
Pointe Diable
CS 83818
29238 Brest cedex 3
Phone : (33) (0) 2 29 00 14 94
Fax : (33) (0) 2 29 00 10 99
Rosa Mateu
Servei de Llengües i Terminologia
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Edifici TG
Jordi Girona, 31
08034 Barcelona
Phone : (34) 93 401 74 97
Fax : (34) 93 401 69 03