Conférences, congrès, colloques, tribunes

Venue Eunice 2008 summer school


The annual EUNICE summer school will take place in Brest (west part of Brittany) at the campus of TELECOM Bretagne. The campus is situated in the Brest-Iroise Science and Technology Park. Overlooking the ocean, this campus is undeniably one of the most beautiful in Europe. For more information, visit

To see pictures of Région Bretagne, click here

Registration fee

Before July 18th Student 140 Euros
  Normal 380 Euros
After July 18th Student 200 Euros
  Normal 450 Euros

Note that the Registration fee includes lunches, bus transport and social events but not the accomodation (see  the list of hotels below).


We have selected the hotels below for their central location (in downtown Brest, see map). A bus service is organised between downtown Brest and the Telecom Bretagne Campus (more information below).

Please make your reservation directly with the hotel and provide the discount code to get a negociated rate.

Hotel Continental - 3 stars  : hotel web site
the rate is 80 € for a single room with breakfast - privilege code #905128

Hotel Amirauté - 3 stars : hotel web site
the rate is 80 € for a single room with breakfast - privilege code #905128

Hotel de la gare - 2 stars :hotel web site
The rate is 58,79 € for a single rate with breakfast - please indicate the rate "ENST Bretagne"


Location and how to get there

Brest is located on the Western part of Brittany, 600 km away from Paris.

Map of France

The Brest-Iroise Science and Technology Park is situated in the city of Plouzané, on the western side of Brest. 

More information on transportation

  • Eunice'2008 Bus Service: as the hotels are not close to the campus, we have organised for a bus to pick up participants in the morning downtown Brest, and drive them back downtown in the evening. The Pick-Up place is Place de la Liberté, close to all the hotels. For the day tour, on Sunday 7th, the Pick-Up place is also Place de la Liberté.This map of downtown Brest indicates the locations of the hotels and of the pick up points.
  • Pick up for the Sunday 7th September Bus Tour : 09h30 in front of the tourist office (see map)
  • Pick up for Monday 8th September : 08h30 at Bus 28 bus stop (see map)
  • Pick up for Tuesday 9th September : 09h00 at Bus 28 bus stop (see map)
  • Pick up for Wednesday 10th September : 08h00 at Bus 28 bus stop (see map)

Social Events

Sunday 7th September  : a day tour to visit the countryside and beaches near Brest. Pick up time, 9h30 downtown Brest (see map). Do not forget walking/hiking (no high heels!!!!) and raingear (the weather forecast is not completely optimistic).

Tuesday 9th September (morning) : guided tour of the Oceanopolis Museum. Pick up time, 9h00 downtown Brest (see map)

Tuesday 9th September (night) : Gala dinner with traditionnal music from Brittany