New Technology Enhanced Educational Practices

Course 1: Educational practice with mobile phone (Agnes Kukulska-Hulme, The Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University

Course 2: Mobile contextual cooperative Learning (Bertrand David, Ecole Centrale de Lyon)>

  • Contextual mobile learning definition and main concepts (MOCOCO: MObility – COntextualization – COoperation, CAE: Computer Augmented Environment, AR: Augmented Reality, Proactivity, MoUI: Mobile User Interfaces)
  • Help Me To Do (HMTD) project as presentation and study concrete situation concerned by the use new of communication technologies and mobile interaction devices in domestic, public and professional appliances mastery which need help and training (Home: mastering domestic appliances as washing machine, Public: traffic, transportation, cultural information access and Professional: use, maintenance and repairing activities).
  • System architecture, development and use processes: IMERA Platform, Learning Units Production, Modeling of user tasks, Contextualization with RFID and communicating objects, Configuration of  Wearable Computers
  • Situated learning methods characteristics and adequacy discussion (just-in time learning, learning by doing, learning & doing, integrated e-learning, PS (performance support) approach, …

Case Studies 1

Devices and tools for interactions (SMS, blog, chat, etc.) are provided to attendees in order to apply ‘new mobile learning practices” during the summer school and furthermore to analyse some traces of learner interactions. It is the first session dedicated to discussions and feedbacks according to mobile learning. (Thomas Vantroys, Yvan Peter, Pierre-André Caron, LIFL, Lille, A. Bouzeghoub, C. Lecocq, S. Garlatti, Institut Telecom)

Case studies 2

Case study related to HMTD project: use of a Contextual mobile learning system in relation to a machine which will be presented and used during the school. Design of new learning units related to use or maintenance of this machine. (Atelier assistants : Chuantao YIN and René CHALON)


Mobile learning Evaluation, Josie Taylor, Institute of Educational Technology: The Open University, Milton Keynes