General information



Abstracts: English or French.


Conference languages: English, Catalan, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese. All Powerpoint presentations and/or handouts must be in English.

 Registration fees for participants from France will be paid to an account in France. For all other countries, registration fees will be paid to an Italian account.

Registration fees: 100,00 €  (speaker or participant)

                               50,00 €  (Ph.D. student, with proof of student registration)
  (includes conference sessions, proceedings, lunch all three days, coffee breaks)
    Abstract deadline: Friday, 2 December 2011
    Notice of acceptance: Friday, 13 January 2012
    Conference registration: until Monday, 26 March 2012


On-site registration: 120 € (speaker or participant)
                                       60 € (Ph.D. student, with proof of student registration)