In the need for evolution (if not revolution) of current network architectures and the Internet, autonomous and spontaneous paradigms will be key features of the Networks of the Future. Examples are:
The Institut TELECOM and its subsidiaries (EURECOM and Telecom Lille1) have been addressing these topics for several years. A specific internal program (“Programme Initiative”) was launched in 2005 to stimulate research activities on all relevant aspects of spontaneous and autonomous networking schemes (architecture, security, middleware, modeling…) as part of the Institute’s strategic research agenda.This “Programme Initiative” enters in 2008 its final year.
With the support of the Fondation TELECOM, the Institut TELECOM organizes an open Symposium in order to conclude the “Programme Initiative”. The industrial partners of the Institut TELECOM are associated to this Symposium through the Foundation TELECOM. The Symposium will present the main results and visions of the Institut TELECOM, its subsidiaries and its Foundation partners on this topic. Worldwide experts will also be invited to deliver Keynote Speeches and Talks. The Symposium will therefore provide an excellent opportunity to present recent results, exchange views and identify common interests, objectives and visions. 1
The proceedings of the Symposium will be published, as a research report of Institut TELECOM and the best papers, selected by the Technical Program Committee and following the standard scientific peer review process for journals, will be published in a special issue of the “Annals of Telecommunications”.
The Symposium is supported by Fondation TELECOM,
1 The activities of Institut TELECOM on the challenging security and privacy issues raised by spontaneous and autonomous network infrastructures will be addressed in a dedicated event, the SETOP workshop organized on October 13-14 by Institut TELECOM in Loctudy, France. Key conclusions of SETOP will be presented at the Symposium.