Conférences, congrès, colloques, tribunes




"Autonomous and Spontaneous Networks" Symposium

Organized by Institut TELECOM
Sponsored by Fondation TELECOM

20-21 November 2008

Preliminary Program


Thursday, November 20

9h00-10h30 Session 1: Introduction to Autonomic Networking

9h10 : Keynote paper. "Networks of the Future : spontaneous networks and autonomic management schemes", Daniel Kofman (Institut TELECOM)

9h50 : Keynote paper. "Autonomous networking schemes, in network service composition" , Mikhael Smirnov (Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany)

10h30 : Keynote paper.  "Research on Autonomic Networking at Bell Labs", Krishan Sabnani, (Alcatel-Lucent, USA)


11h10-11h40 Coffee break


11h40-13h00 Session 2: Autonomic Networking at Institut TELECOM

11h40 : Keynote paper. "Strategy and recent achievements of Institut TELECOM",  Guy Bernard, Frédéric Cuppens, Annie Gravey, Djamal Zeghlache (Institut TELECOM)

12h20 : Keynote paper.  "Distributed Coding and Processing for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks" Jean-Claude Belfiore (Institut TELECOM)


13h00-14h30  Buffet lunch and poster session

 (see list of posters at the bottom of the page)

14h30-16h10 Session 3 : Autonomous Networks

14h30 : Keynote paper. "Measurement based self-optimization of wireless networks using Gibbs Fields", François Baccelli, (ENS/INRIA)

15h10 : Regular paper. "Data Collection in Vehicular Networks",   Sidi Mohammed Senouci , Salhi Ismail and Mohamed Oussama Cherif (Orange Labs, Lannion France).

15h30  : Regular paper. "Optimizing Resource Sharing in Node-Capacitated Overlay Networks", Jimmy Leblet, Fabio Pianese and Gwendal Simon (Institut TELECOM/TELECOM Bretagne)

15h50 : Regular paper. "Energy Aware Database Updating Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks", Cherif DIALLO, Ashish Gupta, Michel Marot and Monique Becker (Institut TELECOM/TELECOM SudParis, CNRS/SAMOVAR).

16h10-16h40 Coffee break 


16h40-18h40  Session 4: Spontaneous networks, smart objects, sensor networks

16h40 : Keynote paper. "Wireless Sensor Networks", Alexander Gluhak (Ericsson Ireland)

17h20 : Regular paper. "A Throughput-oriented OLSR Enhancement based on a Multi-Channel Power Controlled Scheme in Ad Hoc Networks", Carine Toham (Orange Labs, Lannion France), Francois Jan (Orange Labs, Lannion France) and Andrzej Duda (LIG, Grenoble, France)

17h40 : Regular paper. "Analytical Evaluation of Unbiased Random Walks in Wireless Sensor Networks ", Issam Mabrouki, Gwillerm Froc and Xavier Lagrange (Institut TELECOM/TELECOM Bretagne)

18h00 : Regular paper. "Alpha-stable interference modeling and Cauchy receiver for an IR-UWB ad hoc network",  Laurent Clavier (Institut TELECOM/TELECOM Lille), Hamza El Ghannudi (MEL-DIEI-University of Perugia, Italy), Nourddine Azzaoui (Institut Paul Painlevé, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille) and Paul-Alain Rolland (IEMN-IRCICA, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille).

18h20 : Regular paper. "IPv6 Mobility in Cluster Based Heterogeneous Wireless Mesh Networks", Christian Bonnet and Huu-Nghia Nguyen (EURECOM).



Friday, November 21

9h00 -10h20  Session 5 : National policies and visions on Future Internet

9h00 : Keynote paper.  "Korean research policy on the future Internet", Yanghee Choi (Seoul University, Korea)

9h40 : Keynote paper. "The Dawn of Network Science", Frederica Darema (NSF, USA)


10h20-10h50 Coffee break 


10h50-12h50  Session 6 : Autonomous Service Platforms

10h50 : Keynote paper. "MW for ubiquitous and autonomous networks", Yolande Berbers (KU Leuven, Belgium),

11h30 : Keynote paper. "SuperGrids, Networks of Networks", Frederica Darema (NSF, USA)

12h10 : Regular paper. "Architecture-based Refinement Process to Support Distributed Dynamic Adaptation", An Phung-Khac, Maria-Teresa Segarra, Jean-Marie Gilliot and Antoine Beugnard (Institut TELECOM/TELECOM Bretagne)

12h30 : Regular paper. "An Energy-Aware Middleware for collaboration on small scale MANets", Isabelle Demeure and Guilhem Paroux (Institut TELECOM/TELECOM ParisTech).


12h50-14h30  Buffet lunch and poster session

 (see list of posters at the bottom of the page)

14h30-15h10  Session 7 : Security issues for Autonomic Networks

14h30 : Keynote paper. "State-of-the-art and feedback from the SETOP workshop", Frederic Cuppens and Nora Cuppens-Boulahia (Institut TELECOM)


15h10-15h40 Coffee break


15h40-17h10 Session 8 : Round table on economical and industrial challenges, applications and business models


Gee Rittenhouse, VP research Bell Labs , Alcatel-Lucent, USA
Paul Friedel, Director of Research, France Telecom, France
Patrick Waters, Head of Service Enablers, Vodafone R&D




"On Sharing the Capacity of Hybrid Ad-Hoc Networks." Bing Han, Jimmy Leblet and Gwendal Simon (Institut TELECOM/TELECOM Bretagne).

"Secure Data Storage for Self-Organizing Networks". Nouha Oualha, Melek Onen and Yves Roudier (EURECOM).

"Peer-to-Peer Context Information Management for Spontaneous Networks". Tuan Dung Nguyen and Siegfried Rouvrais (Institut TELECOM/TELECOM Bretagne).

"Energy and material considerations for multihops wireless communication". Jiejia Chen, Laurent Clavier, Christophe Loyez and Nathalie Rolland (Institut TELECOM/TELECOM Lille).

"WSC-MAC : A Cooperative Mac Protocol for Wireless Sensors". Bastien Mainaud, Vincent Gauthier and Hossam Afifi (Institut TELECOM/TELECOM SudParis).

"On multihop clusters in wireless sensor networks". Alexandre Delye, Michel Marot and Monique Becker (Institut TELECOM/TELECOM SudParis, CNRS/SAMOVAR).

"Secure interoperation with O2O contracts". Céline Coma, Nora Cuppens-Boulahia, Frédéric Cuppens (Institut TELECOM/TELECOM Bretagne) and Ana Rosa Cavalli (Institut TELECOM/TELECOM SudParis)

"On Selfish and Malicious Behaviors in Wireless Networks- - a Non-cooperative Game Theoretic Approach". Lin Chen and Jean Leneutre (Institut TELECOM/TELECOM ParisTech).

download the file symposium_CFP_program.pdf