Information for authors :

Two copies of proposals for papers (without page numbers)should be sent by post to the organising committee, accompanied by a diskette(Word 6 or less, or Text).

The paper should not exceed 12 pages, including figures and tables. Fonts to be used: text in Time 12, title in Time 14 (bold), sub-headings in Time 12 (bold), and footnotes in Time 8.

Please let us know what equipment you will require for your presentation.

The conference languages will be French and English.

General information :

The conference will take place in the " Pierre Devijver " lecture theatreat ENST Bretagne on July 11, 12 and 13, 2000.

As the campus is 10 km. from Brest, coaches will be available for participants lodging on the campus if they wish to go into town in the evening.

The organising committee will reserve a room for you if you opt for campus accommodation.

The registration fee includes lunchtime buffet meals on July 11, 12 and 13, the evening meal on the 12th and the Conference Proceedings.

Campus : map

Call for Papers Scientific committee Organising committee
Key dates General information Programme GLAT 2000