09h15-09h45 |
Reception Time - Coffee
Location: B01-114
09h45-10h30 |
Session One, 1st year PhD students
Location: B01-114
- Rica Simona ANTIN: "Muséologie pédagogique numérique centrée visiteur : proposition d'un système unifié pour les expositions virtuelles"
- Molham DARWISH: "Architecture et déploiement de services d’aide à la personne"
10h30-10h45 |
Coffee Break
Location: B01-114
10h45-11h45 |
Session Two, 2nd & 3rd year PhD students
Location: B01-114
- Iyas ALLOUSH: " Extending Telecom Service Design Activities for Early Verification"
- Ka Chun Anthony LEE: "Managing and verifying deployment concerns for adaptive application services based on context variability analysis"
11h45-13h30 |
Location: Salle de Réunion
13h30-14h45 |
Session Three, Pre-defense PhD student
Location: B01-114
- Maria Isabel AMIGO: "Technological and Economic Aspects for Quality of Service in Multidomain Allinces"
14h45-15h00 |
Closing Session
Location: B01-114