
Following the success of CSDS2012, the Computer Science Department is glad to announce the succeeding event for this year, Computer Science Doctoral Symposiums 2013 (CSDS2013). It is going to be held on 23rd May 2013 27 June 2013 in Brest, France.


Our doctoral symposiums aim at providing a chance for all the PhD students in the department to present their research results or work in progress in the fields of Computer Science, Software Engineering, Networks, and other related domains. Last year, 9 PhD students presented their researches in different topics including Automation of Software Development, Peer-to-Peer Live Video Sharing, Dynamic Adaptation for Distributed Systems, Android Programming, Optimizing Video Delivery, etc. They successfully brought different PhD students, researchers, professors, engineers in the department and other participants together to share their views, ideas and opinions.


The organizing committee would like to continue this excellent event for PhD students in the department to gain feedback that are valuable for their researches. PhD students who have to re-enroll at least one year shall provide (as a paper) their annual report (requested by Telecom Bretagne for doctoral school re-enrollment). Students in their last year have to provide a paper describing (part of) their research results. There is an internal reviewing process for helping the students in providing high quality papers, and in preparing high quality presentations. Details are given in the page of Call for papers.



Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: 19th April, 2013 
Notification from reviewers: 9th May, 2013  To be announced
Symposium: 23rd May, 2013 27th June, 2013