International Symposium on Turbo Codes &
Iterative Information Processing
From Monday September 5th to Friday September 9th, 2016 in Brest, France
Program available here as a pdf file.
The 9th International Symposium on Turbo Codes & Iterative Information Processing will be held from Monday September 5th to Friday September 9th, 2016 in Brest, France. The Symposium will be the opportunity to acquire a broad overview of the current status and advanced research in coding theory, as well as iterative and noniterative information processing.
Special Focus on 5G
For this edition of the Symposium, in addition to classical coding related themes, a special emphasis will be placed on latest advances towards the definition of the 5G physical layer. Information processing, storing, and distribution issues, beyond just coding aspects, will be addressed in the form of special workshops, sessions, and 5G project demo sessions. Keynote and invited talks will be given by leaders in this area.
Interested authors are invited to submit original contributions of both theoretical and applied nature in the following areas (nonexhaustive list):
Coding topics:
- Turbo codes, LDPC codes, polar codes, spatially-coupled codes, non-binary codes
- Coding and modulation
- Coding for (distributed) storage applications
- Coding for secrecy
- Coding for optical communications
- Coding for noisy hardware
- Coding for network communications
- Joint source-channel coding
- Iterative detection and estimation
- Digital and analog implementation
- Emerging applications of coding and message-passing decoding
- Coding, communications and life sciences
Additional 5G physical layer topics :
- Modulations and coding (including MTC traffic)
- Low-latency and ultra-reliable communications
- Device-to-Device communications and coordination
- Massive MIMO transmitter/receiver designs
- Coordinated Multipoint systems
The Symposium will include regular papers for oral and poster sessions as well as invited papers. Accepted and presented papers/posters will appear in the Symposium proceedings as well as IEEE Xplore.
The technical program of the symposium will also include Special Sessions. Their objective is to complement the regular program with emerging topics of particular interest to the community.
Key dates
- Submission of special sessions deadline: January, 30 2016
- Submission of papers deadline:
March 15, 2016:
- Title, list of authors and abstract have to be submitted by April 10, 2016 23:59 EDT (strict)
- The manuscript can still be uploaded and updated until April 17, 2016 23:59 EDT
- Notification of acceptance:
May 15, 2016 June 10, 2016
- Final versions of papers deadline:
June 15, 2016 July 1, 2016
- Preferential rate registration deadline : July 15, 2016
Information Theory Workshop (ITW)
The IEEE Information Theory Workshop will take place the following week (September 11 to 14, 2016) in Cambridge, UK.
An alternative to air transportation to attend ITW: Brittany Ferries propose daily rotations between Saint Malo and Portsmouth.