Registration for the 5G workshop only :
For this edition of the Symposium, in addition to classical coding related themes, a special emphasis will be placed on latest advances owards the definition of the 5G physical layer.
This workshop will take place Thursday 8 September 2016 and will be chaired by David Gesbert, Professor at EURECOM. It will consist of the following 4 Special Sessions presenting new key ideas with the potential to provide the order of magnitude efficiency gain needed to meet the 5G requirements:
Each of these 4 special sessions is organized by a recognized leader in the field and will feature internationally known invited speakers. A description of each of these Special Sessions is provided below.
David Gesbert (IEEE Fellow) is Professor and Head of the Mobile Communications Department, EURECOM, France, where he also heads the Communications Theory Group. He obtained the Ph.D degree from Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications, France, in 1997. From 1997 to 1999 he has been with the Information Systems Laboratory, Stanford University. In 1999, he was a founding engineer of Iospan Wireless Inc, San Jose, Ca.,a startup company pioneering MIMO-OFDM (now Intel). Between 2001 and 2003 he has been with the Department of Informatics, University of Oslo as an adjunct professor. D. Gesbert has published about 230 papers and several patents all in the area of signal processing, communications, and wireless networks. He was named in the 2014 Thomson-Reuters List of Highly Cited Researchers in Computer Science. Since 2015, he holds an ERC Advanced grant on the topic of "Smart Device Communications"
D. Gesbert was a co-editor of several special issues on wireless networks and communications theory, for JSAC (2003, 2007, 2009), EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing (2004, 2007), Wireless Communications Magazine (2006). He served on the IEEE Signal Processing for Communications Technical Committee, 2003-2008. He was an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications and the EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. He authored or co-authored papers winning the 20015 IEEE Best Tutorial Paper Award (Communications Society), 2012 SPS Signal Processing Magazine Best Paper Award, 2004 IEEE Best Tutorial Paper Award (Communications Society), 2005 Young Author Best Paper Award for Signal Proc. Society journals, and paper awards at conferences 2011 IEEE SPAWC, 2004 ACM MSWiM workshop. He co-authored the book “Space time wireless communications: From parameter estimation to MIMO systems”, Cambridge Press, 2006. In 2013, he was a General Chair for the IEEE Communications Theory Workshop, and a Technical Program Chair for the Communications Theory Symposium of ICC2013. He is a Technical Program Chair for IEEE ICC 2017, to be held in Paris.
5G for Internet of ThingsKeynote Speaker: Gerhard Wunder
Dr. Wunder is coordinator and principal investigator both in the FP7 Call 8 project 5GNOW ( supported by the European Commission and PROPHYLAXE ( the largest IoT physical layer security project supported by the German Ministry of Education and Research, as well as part of project management team of FANTASTIC-5G ( Dr. Wunder is a recipient of research fellowships from the German national research foundation (DFG). He also receives currently funding in the DFG priority programs 1397 COIN (Communications in Interference Limited Networks), the SPP 1798 CoSIP (Compressed Sensing in Information Processing), and the upcoming CPN 1914 (“Cyber-Physical-Networking”). In 2000 and 2005, he was a visiting professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Prof. Jayant) in Atlanta (USA, GA), and the Stanford University (Prof. Paulraj) in Palo Alto/USA (CA). In 2009 he was a consultant at Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs (USA, NJ), both in Murray Hill (Prof. S. Stolyar) and Crawford Hill (Dr. R. Valenzuela). In 2011 Dr. Wunder received the 2011 award for outstanding scientific publication in the field of communication engineering by the German communication engineering society (ITG Award 2011), and the Heisenberg Fellowship in 2014. He is the author of three recent articles in the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, on the PAPR problem (Dec. 2013), the IEEE Communication Magazine, 5G Special Issue (Feb. 2014), and in IEEE ACCESS on Compressed Sensing for 5G (Dec. 2015). Special Session Chair: Petar Popovski, Nuno Pratas
Physical layer security for 5GKeynote Speaker: Yingbin Liang
Dr. Liang was a Vodafone Fellow at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign during 2003-2005, and received the Vodafone-U.S. Foundation Fellows Initiative Research Merit Award in 2005. She also received the M. E. Van Valkenburg Graduate Research Award from the ECE department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, in 2005. In 2009, she received the National Science Foundation CAREER Award, and the State of Hawaii Governor Innovation Award. More recently, her paper titled “compound wiretap channels” received the 2014 EURASIP Best Paper Award for the EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. She served as an Associate Editor for the Shannon Theory of the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory during 2013-2015. Special Session Chair: Mari Kobayashi, Sheng Yang
Cloud Radio Access NetworksKeynote Speaker: Shlomo Shamai
During 1975-1985 he was with the Communications Research Labs, in the capacity of a Senior Research Engineer. Since 1986 he is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Technion---Israel Institute of Technology, where he is now a Technion Distinguished Professor, and holds the William Fondiller Chair of Telecommunications. His research interests encompasses a wide spectrum of topics in information theory and statistical communications. Dr. Shamai (Shitz) is an IEEE Fellow, a member of the Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities and a foreign member of the US National Academy of Engineering. He is the recipient of the 2011 Claude E. Shannon Award and the 2014 Rothschild Prize in Mathematics/Computer Sciences and Engineering. He has been awarded the 1999 van der Pol Gold Medal of the Union Radio Scientifique Internationale (URSI), and is a co-recipient of the 2000 IEEE Donald G. Fink Prize Paper Award, the 2003, and the 2004 joint IT/COM societies paper award, the 2007 IEEE Information Theory Society Paper Award, the 2009 and 2015 European Commission FP7, Network of Excellence in Wireless COMmunications (NEWCOM++, NEWCOM#) Best Paper Awards, the 2010 Thomson Reuters Award for International Excellence in Scientific Research, the 2014 EURASIP Best Paper Award (for the EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking), and the 2015 IEEE Communications Society Best Tutorial Paper Award. He is also the recipient of 1985 Alon Grant for distinguished young scientists and the 2000 Technion Henry Taub Prize for Excellence in Research. He has served as Associate Editor for the Shannon Theory of the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, and has also served twice on the Board of Governors of the Information Theory Society. He has served on the Executive Editorial Board of the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Special Session Chair: Aydin Sezgin
Aydin is interested in signal processing, communication and information theory with focus on wireless networks. He has published several book chapters, more than 30 journal and 120 conference papers on these topics. He has co-authored a book on multi-way communications. He served as Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2009-2014. Aydin is the winner of the ITG-sponsorship award in 2006. He is the first recipient of the prestigious Emmy-Noether grant by the German Research Foundation (DFG) in communication engineering in 2009. He has co-authored a paper that received the best poster award at the IEEE Comm. Theory Workshop in 2011. He has also co-authored a paper that received the best paper award at ICCSPA in 2015. |
Caching in wireless networksKeynote Speaker: Antonia Tulino Abstract: Pre-storing data in cache memories close to the end users during periods of low network congestion or good connectivity, is one of the most promising ways to increase data rates and decrease latency and energy consumption in cellular systems. Full exploitation of the benefits offered by caching, however, requires new coding and access techniques. In this session we will propose and analyze new coding and access techniques for such cache-aided networks, and present new information-theoretic benchmarks.
Special Session Chair: Michèle Wigger