After the EUNICE conference, we have planned a set of tutorials from experts so to enhance competencies and knowledge of the participants. The lecturers have a an extended experience in teaching and the tutorials bring also new opportunities to interact with peers;


Tutorial 1: How modeling techniques can address new service creation and deal with complexity ?

Scope and objectives:

This tutorial will present  recent trends and  techniques related to the design of domain specific modeling languages (DSML) and how Model Driven Engineering (MDE) approaches and techniques can be used to design and build powerful workbenches  and tools dedicated to solving problems specific to a domain, e.g., telecommunications service creation. In this tutorial, starting from a telecom service motivating example, we will introduce the fundamental concepts of MDE: meta-modelling, model transformations, DSMLs, family of DSMLs, code generation, and relations between them. We will apply these concepts to design and build tools specific for the creation of telecom services, so that their benefits can be made available to the stakeholders: from service designers, implementers and end users. Time permitting, we will introduce some MDE open source tools like the ones in Eclipse Modelling Project.

More on the speaker:

Vanea Chiprianov (B.S., Universitatea “Politehnica” Timisoara, Romania, 2007; M.S., Telecom Bretagne, Brest, France, 2008; Ph.D., Telecom Bretagne and Université de Bretagne Sud, Brest, France, 2012) is Assistant Professor at Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Mont de Marsan, France. He is a member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). His research interests cover Software Engineering for complex systems, focusing on Model Driven Engineering, Software and System Architecture, Performance and Security modelling and analysis, Telecommunications systems, ultra-large scale Distributed Real-time Embedded systems and Systems-of-systems.





Tutorial 2: Creating new services  : an IT and operator view

Scope and objectives:

In this tutorial, E Bertin will present major sections of his recent book with a specific focus on the development of new services. He will present a detailed framework for the description of these new services and a case study, that will give the importance of the IT focus since services need to interact, share information and how service governance can be improved.


More on the speaker:

Dr Emmanuel Bertin, Adjunct Associate Professor and Senior Expert at Orange Labs
Emmanuel Bertin is currently Senior Service Architect at Orange Labs and Adjunct Professor at Telecom SudParis. He holds a Master’s degree (diplôme d’ingénieur) from Telecom Bretagne graduate engineering school and a PhD from Paris 6 UPMC University. He has been working at Orange Labs since 1999 in the field of IP communication services, and designed the first European IP Centrex offer. Since 2004, he has been involved in Orange’s enterprise architecture program. His expertise lies in next-generation networks, IP multimedia subsystems, service engineering and web-based services, and he especially focuses on service composition in open environments. He has published more than 30 papers in international journals and conferences.




Tutorial 3: storage + processing: data crunching at the big-data age


Scope and objectives:

In this tutorial, Erwan will review the landscape of current means for handling and processing large volumes of data. This includes scalable storage tools as distributed file systems/databases (HDFS/Memcached/NoSQL) and erasure coding, as well as processing tools for batch, incremental and stream processing (Hadoop/Storm). In his talk, Erwan will relate to some former R&D projects and comment trends and hot topics.



More on the speaker:

Dr Erwann Le Merrer, senior researcher, Technicolor, Renne

Erwan Le Merrer received a PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of Rennes. His current research interests are data mining at scale and algorithms for distributed systems. He is involved in the ODISEA project, which aims at designing efficient and reliable data storage and data sharing solutions.