Instructions to Authors

Submission Tool

Papers should be submitted via the EasyChair Portal.

Please submit full papers containing original work. Papers are recommended to be of ten A4 pages length (max. 12 pages sharp). Please use the template below. Full papers selected for oral presentation will be included in the workshop proceedings, published in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.


Springer Copyright Form: Please download and fill in the Springer Copyright form and upload it with your camera ready paper or poster.


Author's kit


Please use the template as provided by LNCS and follow the recommandations as provided on Springer web site.

Eunice 2014 must be mentioned in the bottom of papers. You can either add it in your version or use the new template.

  • for latex,
    • use the package fancyhdr : usepackage{fancyhdr}
    • add the following commands just before begin{document}
      • pagestyle{fancy}
        lfoot{A. Gravey, Y. Kermarrec  (Eds.)}
        rfoot{EUNICE 2014  }
    • add the following commands just after maketitle
      • thispagestyle{fancy}
  • for word
    • remove the header
    • put in the bottom "A. Gravey, Y. Kermarrec (Eds.) Eunice 2014 "


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