All PhD students in the department of Computer Science – Telecom Bretagne are invited to submit a paper to this symposium.
1- Each submission is expected to reflect the overall work of the PhD student.
2- Each submission is expected to be in the form of two parts: the general part and the specialized part. The general part will communicate the problem this work is trying to tackle in general. That means the general audience who are not in the same domain need to appreciate this part. The second part, which is the specialized part, will describe the research proposal that the PhD student developed to solve the problem. This part it is expected to be deep in the domain as much as the PhD student wants.
The submission is expected to be in the form of a short paper: 2 to 4 pages. A review process will be held by professors in the department to make sure that the submission is in the best form to describe the work of the PhD student. These papers will be collected and published as a symposium proceedings or a technical report that will be published on the website of the department for further reference.
All submissions must be prepared in LaTeX and emailed to: The email is expected to have compressed file as an attachment. This compressed file includes:
1- all sources needed to compile the document.
2- all needed figures and styles, etc.
3- a shell script to do the compilation process (a bat file in case of windows).
4- the final pdf file.
If more time is needed (beyond the submission deadline) please send and email to:
The scientific committee of the symposium expects the work of PhD students of the third year (or more) to be more mature than students in their first and second year. In other words, for students in third year a comprehensive solution is expected with details, while for students in their first and second year, the emphasis will be on the formalization of the problem to solve, with a brainstorming on the solution proposal. Again it is vital to note that the review process will not be a selective process, rather, it is designed to tailor the submission to meet the academic standards of paper submission.
For the paper (2 to 4 pages) it is possible to use IEEE style, please visit For latex slides there is a pointer here: These are suggetions only, everyone is more than free to use the style he or she is comfortable with.
It is very important to mention that this symposium is for the benefit of PhD students in computer science department. It is vital for all of them to feel they are participants not only by paper submissions, but also by organization and all other aspects of the symposium.
All comments, suggestions, modifications, and questions are highly appreciated. Please feel free to do so by direct talk or sending an email to