Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis 2005

Important dates

Regular papers:

Invited sessions:

  • January, 15, 2005: proposal for invited sessions (submission procedure is available).
  • January, 31, 2005: notification of acceptance of the proposal for an invited session. After acceptance of the proposal, each promotor of the session will be responsible for his/her session (including the review process of the papers of his/her session) and will chair it.
  • February, 20, 2005: final version of the papers using the instructions to authors.
  • March, 15, 2005: registration.

Problem sessions:

  • January, 31, 2005: problem submission.
  • March, 15, 2005: problem solutions submission.
  • March, 30, 2005: problem solutions notification.

ASMDA 2005 Conference:

  • May, 17, 18, 19, 20, 2005.