Call For Papers
Call for Paper ASMDA 2005
Main features Important dates:- December, 15, 2004: submission papers (8 pages) deadline (submission procedure is available).
- January, 15, 2005: submission of invited session proposal deadline (submission procedure is available).
- February, 15, 2005: notification of acceptance of regular papers.
- March, 15, 2005: submission of camera ready regular papers and registration.
- May, 17, 18, 19, 20, 2005: ASMDA 2005 conference.
The Symposium includes four types of presentations: - Key Note Speakers on the main topics of the Symposium selected by the Scientific Program Committee.
- Invited specialized sessions proposed by the Scientific Program Committee members.
- Invited sessions proposed by authors: three or four communications dedicated to a given topic. After acceptance, each promotor of the session will be responsible for his/her session (including the review process of the papers of his/her session) and will chair it.
- Contributed papers proposed by authors.
An IBM scientific price will be awarded to the best student works (1 to 3) presented at the conference.
Publication in Journals. Papers presented at ASMDA 2005 Conference will be encouraged to submit extended and full versions for publication in:
- RAIRO-Operations Research Journal: if containing either pure or applied research component on all aspects of operations research. RAIRO-Operations Research Journal is an international Journal Published under the scientific responsibility of the Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI) and the Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d’Aide à la Décision (ROADEF).
- Communications in Statistics Journal: if containing theoretical and methodological advances in Probability and Statistics and new applications of statistical and probabilistic methods. See Communications in Statistics Journal web site.
Registration fees:
| Before 17/03/05 | After 17/03/05 | Students | 162 € | 195 € | University members | 270 € | 324 € | Other participants | 405 € | 486 € |
Please note that the above mentioned fees include taxes.