Instructions to AuthorsJump to the Templates downloads table Each paper (up to 8 pages long) must be written using the latex2e template provided below. Camera-ready papers Final submission will consist of:
Template and GuidelinesTo ensure an overall homogeneity of the proceedings, your paper must be generated using the asmda2005.cls class file, and the asmda2005References.sty and asmda2005References.bst bibliography style files. Please, use standard fonts, and other style files only if it is absolutely necessary in order to typeset your text. The sample file article-asmda2005.tex containing the guidelines for authors can be used as a model for writing your article; the sample bibliography file associated with this model is bibliography-asmda2005.bib. Here are the postscript and pdf versions of the guidelines for authors. All these files and a simple Makefile (for unix users) are also available from this zip or tgz archives. If you have any problems with our file format please contact: Benoît Vaillant